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 how to use X509TrustManager when call webservice rest in rest client step ?

  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho
luiz kava's profile image
luiz kava posted 02-08-2019 13:41

I'm trying call a rest webservice using rest client step, when I start my transfom it throws the following error.

"2019/02/08 11:14:06 - REST Client.0 - No X509TrustManager implementation available"

Does anyone know how to solve it ?


Roguen Keller's profile image
Roguen Keller

Hello luiz kava

To me this doesn't look like an issue with your step configuration or PDI, but rather with you keystore.

I've found a possibly related issue on stack overflow here: java - No X509TrustManager Implementation available - Stack Overflow

As suggested there: Are you able to list the contents of the keystore using the keytool command?

luiz kava's profile image
luiz kava

Thanks a lot Roguen Kellerit was so helpfull.

I had a prbolem with my keystore, I just recovered and if back working.