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 How to make pentaho see my ssl certificate

  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho
luiz kava's profile image
luiz kava posted 12-06-2018 20:23

I've to call an soap web-service onn my transformatio, but when i try make lookup the spoon throw the message "403 - Permisson Denied", It means that pentaho not recognize my digital certificate. 

I've already installed the digital certificate on my machine, I have the  pfx and .cer archive. I don't know how to put this certificate in my transformation.

I don't know what to do =(

Mohammed Abdulmujeeb's profile image
Mohammed Abdulmujeeb

I have a similar issue. I am using the REST Client to get some part numbers embedded in an XML document which is on intra company sharepoint site. I am getting the following: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Now a few words about my environment: I am using Pentaho 7.1

Joao Figueiredo's profile image
Joao Figueiredo


if I understood correctly you're trying to call a Rest endpoint using client side SSL authentication (done using a client side digital certificate).

See this for further information:

It has a truststore inside SSL tab which you can configure, but I assume that only allows you to validate the server certificate. A keystore would be needed to authenticate the client.

I haven't tried this step features, but if the above is true you have one of three options:

1) Implement a proxy that authenticates and proxy PDI requests through it (keep in mind, that you may need to cipher content, and on a least effort base use a SSL certificate on the proxy to make sure that traffic between the proxy and PDI is ciphered, but also that you trust in the server identity because you trust the SSL certificate).

2) Use a Java step to access the API. It may prove to be not much efficient (if that's an issue for you).

3) Implement a custom step for PDI that accesses the Rest API authenticating with the certificate you have.

Joao Figueiredo's profile image
Joao Figueiredo


I suggest you open a topic to request help for the issue you are having.

David da Guia Carvalho's profile image
David da Guia Carvalho

Did you add the certificate to the cacerts? Is the certificate valid?