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 Spoon 7.1 Enable Save Comment/View Revisions

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
  • Spoon
John Craig's profile image
John Craig posted 02-08-2018 16:56

Hi Folks,

I'm missing the revision tracking that was part of 6.1 (skipped 7.0).

Is there a way to force the display of the Comment dialog upon saving a Job/Transformation in 7.1?

Is there a way to view the revision history/comments in the Repository Explorer.

Thanks, John

John Craig's profile image
John Craig

Helpful Pentaho support staff member pointed me to this link (hit Show More to enable it):

Working with Version History - Pentaho Documentation

The older behavior is available, it's just not enabled by default and it's not something you can enable from w/in Spoon.