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 02 HDD failed (warning port1 failed)

  • Flash Storage
  • Flash Storage
  • Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform VSP
Elmer Cornelio's profile image
Elmer Cornelio posted 09-05-2018 21:42



I have a Storage VSP G600 with two failed HDD.

the two disks were manually blocked and the data copied onto the spare disks.

Then those two disks were replaced. but they failed again.

Please, necesito ayuda.



Yang Yang's profile image
Yang Yang

oh,this error may be something wrong with controller,you need engineer to fix it.

initial set up may be fix it , but this step must be done by after sales.


Maksym Tatarenko's profile image
Maksym Tatarenko

I had the same situation when physically move  system and remove-insert all HDD.

If you insert HDD in wrong position - you will have error "disk failed".

To solve problem just swap HDDs, i.e. insert HDDs in correct position.

Boris PIRC's profile image
Boris PIRC

I have the same problem .Then I replaced ENC cntl on DB 60 and all disk path are ok