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 How can I get paged results off a folder GET request using REST API?

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  • Development
  • Object Storage
  • Hitachi Content Platform HCP
Jose Marcelo Silva Fascio's profile image
Jose Marcelo Silva Fascio posted 07-10-2018 23:57


I have a namespace at (names not real). At the root folder of this namespace millions of other folders were created.

Now I need to use the REST API to access the root folder contents and I'm not being able to, given the size of the response XML, which my XML parser is not being able to deserialize.

I'm just issuing a "GET" request.

I need a way to pass some query (or header) parameters so the response is paged, the same way I can when using HCP metadata query API when I pass the count / offset values.

Tried to look for a solution in the REST Developer Guide, but it does not mention no parameter which I can use.

Is that possible?

José Marcelo Fascio

Data Conversion's profile image
Data Conversion

The directory listing REST API does not have paging functionality.

Henk Hindriks's profile image
Henk Hindriks

You are saying you are using MQE. According to its manual (PDF MK-91ARC032-06), it supports paged queries. Would that help?

Jose Marcelo Silva Fascio's profile image
Jose Marcelo Silva Fascio

I'm not using MQE. I'm using the standard REST API to list a directory content with a GET http request.