Hitachi Content Platform​

 Certificate Files

  • Object Storage
  • Hitachi Content Intelligence HCI
  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
James Burriss's profile image
James Burriss posted 07-08-2019 11:51


I am currently trying to access HCI from PDI and facing some SSl errors, I believe to fix this I need to add a certificate from HCI to my trust store. My question is where do I find the self signed certificate that HCI creates?


Javier Avila Nieto's profile image
Javier Avila Nieto

Hi James,

You can download the system certificate using cli:

[root@hci admin]# /opt/hci/cli/admin/admincli -s localhost -u admin -p adminPassword -c getSystemCertificate

James Burriss's profile image
James Burriss

Thank you

James Burriss's profile image
James Burriss

Hi Javier, when I run the command it shows me the certificate code, how do I then use that to create a .crt file?


Jonathan Chinitz's profile image
Jonathan Chinitz

Use openssl (/source/index.html )

James Burriss's profile image
James Burriss

Hi Jon, is that to create a new certificate or download the current one?


Jonathan Chinitz's profile image
Jonathan Chinitz

create a new one. If you are having trouble with the default cert created by HCI on install (the self signed one) then create a new one using openssl and upload/replace the default one with it.

James Burriss's profile image
James Burriss

Okay thanks, where is the location of the certificate in the file system?

KC Kancherla's profile image
KC Kancherla

You can use the admincli -c getSystemCertificate or use the following openssl command to download the HCI certificate.

echo -n | openssl s_client -connect <HCI_Instance_IP/DNS>:8000 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > hcircert.crt 

The above command will downlaod the cert contents into hcicert.crt which you can use to import into your truststore.

The admincli command also gives you the same result but the response is JSON so you have to parse out the "pemEncoded" value in the json and write to a .crt file.

Eckhard Roeser's profile image
Eckhard Roeser

This is what I found in my notes:

Importing HCI certificate into the Pentaho instance

o Add a certificate in the browser by opening the URL of HCI Admin in firefox.

o Go to Options -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates.

o In the popup goto Authorities.

·        Look for "Hitachi Data Systems" and export certificate in (.der) extension.

     o Run the following command on machine running Pentaho to add certificate in the cacerts file:

·        keytool -import -alias hci-temporary-cert -keystore C:\Pentaho\java\lib\security\cacerts -file hci-temporary-cert.der

·        Default Password : changeit

     o Run the following command to export the cacerts file to export in txt format and verify the certificate.

·        keytool -list -v -keystore C:\Pentaho\java\lib\security\cacerts > java_cacerts.txt

·        Default Password : changeit

·        Restart PDI (Pentaho Data Integration)

·        Note for WebSpoon users :  Refer following document for commands:

For importing certificate, use the following path of cacert on bash prompt of WebSpoon docker container: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts

Then restart WebSpoon docker container.

Hope it works.


Eckhard Roeser

Hitachi Vantara

Eckhard Roeser's profile image
Eckhard Roeser
James Burriss's profile image
James Burriss

That's great thanks