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 Error using Javascript method when using the Javascript Plug-In

  • Hitachi Ops Center
  • Hitachi Ops Center
Sven Kirsten's profile image
Sven Kirsten posted 06-05-2020 15:27

I want to use the method includes to find out if a string is included in another string.

But seems no to be possible inside the Automator Javascript Plug-In.


The code editor inside Automator is not usable - so I develop the code e.g. in Visual Studio then Copy+Paste it into Automator - then I see what generates WARNINGS and then after run I see what is not working.


So my common question - what is the recommend way to generate javascript code that has a good chance to run inside Automator ? ? ?


Ross Britt's profile image
Ross Britt

Hi Sven,


What Javascript method are you trying to use that is not working for you?


Also, what is your Visual Studio JDK version?



Sven Kirsten's profile image
Sven Kirsten

The JS function I wanted to use was "include()".

Visual Studio Code is : 1.46.1


But beside on this facts - what is your way to develop javascript code running inside the JS Plug-In ?