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 Reading properties file from job in repository

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
Craig Dawson's profile image
Craig Dawson posted 10-04-2019 14:26

Running PDI 8.3. I have a job that runs successfully when executed locally in PDI. The job reads from a properties file in located in the same directory as the job using a 'Set Variables' step. The step references the file using ${Internal.Entry.Current.Directory}/${Internal.Job.Name}.properties. After saving the job and properties file to the repository, it won't read from the properties file when I run the job. I get the error:


Error encountered while reading properties file '/home/jobs/[jobname].properties':


I can see the file at this location via the user console.


Why can't it read from the properties file after deploying to the repository?

Craig Dawson's profile image
Craig Dawson

Turns out you can't add a properties file to the repository and reference it this way. Only Pentaho created objects (ktr, kjb, prpt, etc) can be stored on the repository. The properties file needs to reside on the server itself or on a shared network folder that the server can access.