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 PDI Status SVG file not found

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
Kun Jiang's profile image
Kun Jiang posted 01-07-2019 05:07

Problem accessing /pentaho/content/common-ui/resources/themes/images/run_options.svg. Reason:

Not Found


Roguen Keller's profile image
Roguen Keller

Hi Kun Jiang

Much like your last question, this one also needs detail around what you're trying to do if you want to get some help.

Dobeslao Hern�ndez's profile image
Dobeslao Hern�ndez

Hi Roguen Keller

I have the same problem with  status page on my Carte servers and on Pentaho Data Integration server.

When i try to access on status page, all is broken because static web resources cannot be loaded (css, svg).

I have the folowing use cases.

Case 1) Through Carte status page, seems it's trying to get access to inaccessible content. I tried change to "kettle/content..." and "kettle/pentaho/content..." but it still failed.



Case 2) Through PDI status page, i have custom url, instead of "/pentaho" i need to use "/pentaho-di", resources keeps pointing to bad location. If i do manually url adjustment, resource is there.




Where i can change those resource locations on code?



Dobeslao Hern�ndez's profile image
Dobeslao Hern�ndez

Hi Roguen Keller

I would appreciate your help on this topic. Do you have any thoughts about it?

Roguen Keller's profile image
Roguen Keller

Hi Augusto Dobeslaounfortunately not, but I'm hoping someone else does.

Gareth Davidson's profile image
Gareth Davidson

Has there been any resolution for this?

As carte common ui elements are missing.

Sergio Ribeiro's profile image
Sergio Ribeiro


Could anyone provide information about the version you're using?

Having more information and detailed scenario, an issue can be created in the Pentaho Jira Case Tracking where Hitachi Vantara's developers would pick it up for assessing and possible resolution.


Sérgio Ribeiro

Porto - Portugal

Matt Casters's profile image
Matt Casters

Hi Sergio,

This issue is present in CE.

It's already been filed numerous times in JIRA however no fix has been issued.  Even patch versions like contain this problem. 



Jens Bleuel's profile image
Jens Bleuel

FYI: Just looked into this and reopened [PDI-17948] Missing images in Carte CE distribution - Pentaho Platform Tracking (it was erroneously closed as duplicated/fixed in 8.0.1 by PDI-17760 but this fixed only a part of the problem).

Abhishek Shankar's profile image
Abhishek Shankar
Dobeslao Hern�ndez's profile image
Dobeslao Hern�ndez

Complete fix is alredy on the way. I have tested similar code on my branch before. Now it's alredy submited on master branch by @ddiroma ([PDI-17863] Borders are missing in kettle/status page @ddiroma).

It fixed next related cases:

[PDI-17863] Borders are missing in kettle/status page after we perform an upgrade to 8.2 version.

[PDI-18039] Changing the web application name breaks the display on the kettle/status page.

Let's see if things keeps unbroken for a while ;D

Both scenarios work seamlessly.

# PDI Server





# Carte Server




Dobeslao Hern�ndez's profile image
Dobeslao Hern�ndez

Backport for 8.2 done on patch.

Merge pull request #6614 from jpruiz114/SP-5069 · pentaho/pentaho-kettle@b44e442 · GitHub 

Please find CSS and images for Carte server on Jira case attachement (tgz). Set all content inside folder "data-integration/static".


Alexander Fritz's profile image
Alexander Fritz


i stuck with this... could anyone please tell me, where i have to place the mentionend files? I have read all the linked sites, but have no idea, where to put them.

Thanks a lot!



Sergio Ribeiro's profile image
Sergio Ribeiro

Hello Alexander Fritz,

As Augusto Dobeslaosays it his post, you have to put the files inside a folder named "static" (you may have to create it) that should exist in your "data-integration" folder (the folder where "Spoon.bat"/"" exist).


You should, then, have a structure like this:





Sérgio Ribeiro

Porto - Portugal


Alexander Fritz's profile image
Alexander Fritz

Hello Sergio Ribeiro,

thanks a lot for your answer.

I placed the, unzipped, folders/files like you told me. In the folder "css", there is the file "carte.css" and the svg images are placed in the images folder. Before, i tried to figure out, where jetty does search for the content....

Now it looks much better!

Thanks a lot for your help!



Ze He's profile image
Ze He


Could you tell me where to find those image files and css files? 

I opened the Jira page but only found two same attachments. I downloaded one and decompressed it, but only got a file named "data-integration-static-folder", it was not a folder. I got confused.

Did you download the files on this page?

[PDI-17948] Missing images in Carte CE distribution - Pentaho Platform Tracking 

Sergio Ribeiro's profile image
Sergio Ribeiro

Hi Ze He,

Yes, you'll find the files on that issue's attachment (there're two, but they're the same).

The attachment is a GZip file (.gz extension) and not a Zip file.

I use 7-zip as my file archiver of choice and it handles GZip files correctly, if the one you use doesn't, you may (as it's an open format) find several others that do here!

In 7-zip this is the sequence I get opening the referred file and navigating through its structure:


Hope this helps.


Sérgio Ribeiro

Porto - Portugal

Ze He's profile image
Ze He

Thank you very mach ! I didn't notice that  the file named as "data-integration-static-folder"  is still a compressed file ! It was so strange that the folder was compressed twice !

Leo Breuss's profile image
Leo Breuss

Still present in 8.2 and 8.3. Will we eventually get a properly fixed 8.3 CE release?

Matt Casters's profile image
Matt Casters

Hi Leo,


I patch my Kettle releases with this folder:

Simply expand the archive in the data-integration folder and you should be good to do.




Sergio Ribeiro's profile image
Sergio Ribeiro

Hello @Leo Breuss​,


This problem was fixed under PDI-17948

Unfortunately the fix was approved after the 8.3 launch so, for the CE version, it'll only be available on the next version (9.0 is right around the corner)!

Check the referred issue as it has a Zip file that you can use to fix your installation.




Sérgio Ribeiro

Porto - Portugal