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 Loading a fact table from operational database

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
Victorien DELANGUE's profile image
Victorien DELANGUE posted 05-14-2019 03:15

Hello there, I know there is a lot of stuff about loading a fact table here but I don't really find answers that fit my needs. I have created a data warehouse on PostgreSQL with dimension tables already populated and fact tables in which I want to insert facts from an operational database. For that, I have extracted my data from my operational database but now I need to link the facts with the right dimension ids each time and I don't really see how to do it with the dimension lookup stuff. Can you help me with that? Thanks, Victorien

David da Guia Carvalho's profile image
David da Guia Carvalho

Just use "dimension lookup" its quite simple...

Lets say that you have a client dimension... like:

sk_client - (id)

name  - (Full name...)

ein - (federal id)

type - (extra info)

llc - (extra info)

Lets say that you only have 1 active/valid  client per name... and/or 1 active/valid client per ein...

If your operational database have the ein... you will feed the "dimension lookup" in the "keys" tab, fileds with ein (from your dimension and stream). Select the tecnical key {sk_client} (and the other fields like date... vesion...) and that is it.... you got your sk_client to the stream...