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 Is there an easy way to update the outdated service template?

  • Hitachi Ops Center
  • Hitachi Ops Center
Hyung Kim's profile image
Hyung Kim posted 07-01-2020 16:53

After upgrading to the latest Ops Center Automator, I noticed that some service templates are marked as "outdated".


I was able to update some templates by just clicking on the update template link and then updating the components, and then saving and releasing it. (I did noticed that the vendor ID has to change)


But for some other service templates, it's not an easy task. For example, the "Smart Allocation for Oracle Databases", it uses another template, "Allocate Volumes with Smart Provisioning", and it in turn uses couple other templates.


So, I have to find all of the dependent templates and the templates that those dependent templates depends on and so on. This task isn't very easy. I have list all of the outdated templates and then find the dependencies. I did find that when one looks at the template, one can see what services and templates use it, but that requires me to look at all of the outdated templates, and start the dependency mapping. It's a bottom up approach. There is no easy top down approach.


After updating the dependent template, there isn't a easy way to tell the template to use that new updated dependent template. One has to go in to the flow view and change it. Even this task is not easy. when I replaced the updated template in the flow, I found that it's not possible to keep the same numeric step number and the step number is referenced in the properties. So, I have to track down alll of the properties with that step number to replace it with the new step number.


Perhaps, I am not doing this correctly. Please let me know if there is an easier way to do this.

Giacomo Chiapparini's profile image
Giacomo Chiapparini


just to confirm, that you describe the exact way I used to update the templates. If Component Version Management does not do the job, the only way I found so far is to delete the step, add the new one and recreate the properties. Let's see if someone comes up with a smarter way.