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 Change Pentaho Server from HTTP to HTTPS

  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho
VINICIUS ZAMUNER's profile image
VINICIUS ZAMUNER posted 10-22-2020 17:39

Hi Guys,


I have two servers running pentaho 6.0 and 7.1.I want to change the way to load the Pentaho from HTTP to HTTPS.


I changed the TCP ports as I saw in other posts but it is not working.


Could you guys send me a quick referencia to change it?


Thank you

Luciano Donazzolo's profile image
Luciano Donazzolo

Hi Vinicius,

I was able to did it (though in a test system) a long ago. This was the way I followed (note: I didn't repeat it now for testing):

  1. generate a certificate (say "tomcat.cer") and import it into a keystore file (say keystore.jks)
  2. in \pentaho-server\tomcat\conf\server.xml : uncomment lines 84-88 (in pentaho7.1) to enable port 8443
  3. in \pentaho-server\tomcat\webapps\pentaho\WEB-INF\web.xml : add the lines before the ending "</web-app>" tag, to activate security:


<!-- Require HTTPS for everything except /img (favicon) and /css. -->






















As a reference, let me add:


Hope this may help
