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 Where are the analyzes stored in Pentaho Server 7.1?

  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Server
carmen marquez's profile image
carmen marquez posted 01-24-2019 11:35

Hi. I would like to know where the analyzes are stored in Pentaho Server.

IF there is a directory that can physically see with the analyzes that are uploaded or where they are stored.

Also, I would like to know if it is possible to remove them without using the pentaho web interface and without using the API.

Remove them physically from a directory or something similar.

In summary, I would like to know if it is possible to eliminate an analysis physically.

Eliminating it from a database, from a directory ... not from the web interface or using the API.

William Faulkner's profile image
William Faulkner

Objects are stored in the Pentaho Repository which uses JackRabbit (JCR).  This information is not accessible directly and should be accessed using either the web interface or API to accomplish what you are looking to do. 

carmen marquez's profile image
carmen marquez

The problem is that 2 analyzes with the same name have been created in the connections.

I do not understand how it could be created, but currently I have 2 analyzes with the same name.

I tried to delete it with the API, and both are deleted, but when I upload it again, duplicate appears again.

The same thing happens through the web interface.

I upload it with a different name, it only appears once.

But I need you to keep the name, I can not change it.

We are doing a professional job and we can not change the name.

How can I solve that?

carmen marquez's profile image
carmen marquez

In my case, I have pentaho connected to an oracle database.

To solve my problem I have followed these steps:

1. I have made a copy of my files from the home and public folders.

2. I have exported the analyzes and connections to the database.

3. I have stopped pentaho.

4. I have emptied the contents of table DS_REPOS_DATASTORE and FS_REPOS_FSENTRY.

5. I have started pentaho.

6. I have deleted the files, connections and analyzes (if you can not delete the analysis it is necessary to edit the analysis and upload a correct one and it will be deleted)

7. Import everything again, now it only appears once.

If you do not have pentaho connected to a database, I think it is only necessary to delete the contents of the directory:

pentaho-server / pentaho-solutions / system / jackrabbit / repository

Do not forget to make a copy of the files, connections ... since it will eliminate everything.