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 Psql path missing in postgres bulk loader?

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
Bruce Lariat's profile image
Bruce Lariat posted 11-28-2018 21:45

Used to be able to set it in the options.  Wiki says it should be there, but it is not.  PostgreSQL Bulk Loader - Pentaho Data Integration - Pentaho Wiki

Sebastien Francheteau's profile image
Sebastien Francheteau

I've got the same issue. And so this component doesnt't work since it doesnt' know where psql.exe is.

Can somebody tell me how to use "PostgreSQL Bulk Loader" in PDI 8.3 ?


Sergio Ribeiro's profile image
Sergio Ribeiro

Hello @Sebastien Francheteau​,


I believe that since 8.1 the "PostgreSQL Bulk Loader" relies on the driver rather than needing to use the "psql.exe".

Seems that documentation didn't reflect that improvement.




Sérgio Ribeiro

Porto - Portugal


Sebastien Francheteau's profile image
Sebastien Francheteau

It's possible but do you know the name of this driver ? I think, it must be installed after deploying PDI.


Sebastien Francheteau's profile image
Sebastien Francheteau

I have download the postgresql-42.2.16.jar to replace postgresql-42.2.5.jar but nothing changed. I still have the issue below :


Error while preparing the COPY COPY dsa.statistiques_greco ( sg_ident, sg_codfam, sg_pocopa, sg_anref, sg_support2, sg_noacte, sg_pays_poste, sg_mode_enreg, sg_nature_acte, sg_date_evt, sg_date_etab, sg_date_ouverture ) FROM STDIN WITH CSV DELIMITER AS ';' QUOTE AS '"';

org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper cannot be cast to org.postgresql.PGConnection


Sergio Ribeiro's profile image
Sergio Ribeiro

@Sebastien Francheteau​,


As you saw, Pentaho comes with the 42.2.5 PostgreSQL jar file and, as that's the supported version, upgrading to 42.2.16 can have different results...


The only thing that you should need to make the Bulk step work, is to set the "Connection" field correctly.

If you already have a configured connection, you can select it; if you don't, you may use the "New..." button to create one.

On the "Database Connection" dialog box, you should have "PostgreSQL" as the connection type and "Native (JDBC)" as access. After all filling/checking all settings (and a name has been given to the connection), use the "Test" button to check if it's working.


So, please check if the right connection is set on the step and if it's operational.


Another possibility that crossed my mind: is the PostgreSQL database you're using an old one? If so, it may be incompatible with the 42.2.x drivers... maybe trying to upgrade it...




Sérgio Ribeiro

Porto - Portugal


Sebastien Francheteau's profile image
Sebastien Francheteau

The "Database Connection" dialog box is good and it work's with other components like "Table output".

PostgreSQL database is the 9.5.

I'll make over tests tomorrow.


Sebastien Francheteau's profile image
Sebastien Francheteau

I create a new connection without "pooling" and it works !

When I use "pooling" and "Enable Connection Pooling", it doesn't work !

Do you know why ?