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 Bug in 'Table exists'step from Pentaho 8.2

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
Eric Tonissen's profile image
Eric Tonissen posted 12-12-2018 09:54

We upgraded to Pentaho 8.2.

We use the 'Table exists' step to DB2 and Postgress databases.

In version 8.1 this was case-insensitive for the DB2 database.

So it doesn't matter whether we use lower- or uppercase, for schemaname c.q. tablename.

In version 8.2 does is it matter.

With DB2 only if the schemaname/tablename are uppercase it results=Y, otherwise it results=N.

We have now an problem, because we use the same transformation to Postgress, which supports only the lowercase schema- and tablename.

Somebody any suggestions how to fix or work-around this ?

Dan Keeley's profile image
Dan Keeley

does the "force all to lowercase" option help here? (In the database connection). Just a guess.

I'd raise a jira though, a change like that doesnt make any sense! it should at least be configurable.