Hitachi Content Platform​

 API Search - Max offset

  • Object Storage
  • Hitachi Content Intelligence HCI
Hedde van der Hoeven's profile image
Hedde van der Hoeven posted 02-28-2018 15:43

Dear community,

I'm finding out the hitcount of the query then calculate the number of iterations of 10,000 the script has to go through.

However, I know there's a 10,000  limitation on the number of objects returned, but I found that the maximum offset is 100,000 which does not allow me to retrieve all results which goes into the millions. Is there a way around this without restricting the query.

{"statusCode":400,"errorMessage":"com.hds.ensemble.sdk.exception.PluginOperationFailedException: Requested offset is too large: 110000. Maximum offset is 100000. Consider narrowing down the query to page through fewer results.","errorProperties":[]}


Jared Cohen's profile image
Jared Cohen


I don't believe there is a way around that without modifying your query. You can segment your query based on timestamps or some other characteristic to break them up.

There may be a different solution, however, depending on what your goal is. What are you trying to do with that many results?



Data Conversion's profile image
Data Conversion

Hi Hedde van der Hoeven - are you still looking for help with this question?