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 Is it possible to clone a tenant within the HCP?

  • Object Storage
  • Hitachi Content Platform HCP
  • Object Storage
ralf buschmann's profile image
ralf buschmann posted 02-15-2018 08:44

I need a possibility to copy the complete content of a tenant (all namespaces etc.) to a second tenant created just for that purpose. And this within one HCP system.

Jonathan Chinitz's profile image
Jonathan Chinitz

There is no clone operation. The easiest way to do this is to enable HS3 on the namespaces in both tenants and use something like Cloudberry to drag and drop copy. The way to save storage doing this is to write a small script that crawls a namespace and does a PUT COPY of every object to the new namespace.

Troy Myers's profile image
Troy Myers

FYI I did put in an AHA  HCP-I-305 for something similar.  If you want to vote for it.  This was to be able to import/export the configuration settings so you can easily copy or create new ones from the GUI.  We have several customers wanting to create 10 -20 Tenants/NS at time and want to make sure the settings are the same

Eckhard Roeser's profile image
Eckhard Roeser

The Compliant Migration Tool can do this to my knowledge and is using the PUT-COPY functionality in HCP. This has been done by using v1 of the CMT when migrating data from Default NS into a new authenticated NS within the same HCP.

ralf buschmann's profile image
ralf buschmann

Thx guys for your answers. I guess my customer will be glad with a S3 tool like Cloudberry or similar (thx Jon). Nevertheless I keep in mind the other options.