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 Possible causes for AW Edge device Work Queue not progressing?

  • Object Storage
  • Hitachi Content Platform HCP
Alejandro Lineiro's profile image
Alejandro Lineiro posted 09-24-2020 18:17

Hello Everyone,


We have recently deployed an HCP Anywhere Edge environment with one HCP Anywhere Pod and 3 pairs of mirrored Edge devices.


After registering some shares a few days ago, we used the "awcli status" command to check the status of the synchronization of the Edge devices with the Anywhere Pod. In the output of that command, in one of the devices, we have noticed that the number in "Work Queue" doesn't decrease, even after several hours.


In other devices the number decreases and increases rapidly so it's strange to see it remain static in one of the devices. The device appears as in-sync in the list of managed devices and there are only a few files listed as unsyncable so I'm not sure if it's a synchronization issue.


I tried checking the documentation to find out the meaning of the "Work Queue" statistic, but there does not seem to be any info about it. So I was wondering what it means exactly, and the possible causes of this issue.


Also, we were wondering if it's possible to monitor the communications between the AW Pod and one specific Edge device to make sure that there's traffic between them.


Thanks a lot for your help!

Javier Avila Nieto's profile image
Javier Avila Nieto

Hello Alejandro,


I had a similar issue, finally we found out that the root cause of the synchronization failure was the customer had removed the SYSTEM user from the ACLs.


Install and manage Edge > Advanced > Unsyncable files

"The file or folder does not have the SYSTEM user in its access control list (ACL). Edge uses the SYSTEM user to access its files and folders. To resolve this issue, add the SYSTEM user to the access control list for the file or folder."


It is easy to reproduce in a test environment removing the SYSTEM user from a monitored folder:



After adding SYSTEM user the files are synchronized automatically:



I hope it helps to resolve the issue.