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 How to purge folder in HCP namespace with versioning enabled?

  • Object Storage
  • Hitachi Content Platform HCP
  • Object Storage
Aleksandr Rainchik's profile image
Aleksandr Rainchik posted 05-31-2019 21:22

I'm using Hitachi Data Migrator (HCP DM) and trying to remove files and folders from the namespace where versioning is enabled. I can delete files using Purge option, so no old versions are preserved. However deleting or purging folders in HCP DM still leaves old versions of folders present. They are marked as deleted and total number of objects in namespace is showing as 0 - but because old versions of folders are still there - namespace is considered non-empty and cannot be deleted.

Is there an option using curl or HCP DM to purge folders completely, without leaving deleted versions?

Thank you!

Benjamin Clifford's profile image
Benjamin Clifford

HI Aleks, if it is delete records or old versions preventing delete, you can configure your namespace to keep delete records for 0 days and to prune old versions after 0 days. I don’t have the docs handy but it’s in the namespace policy or service settings or thereabouts. Once you have these configured run disposition and that should get rid of them. Not sure if you’ll have to run GC or not after that in order to complete clean up before the NS May be deleted. Hope it is the correct answer. 


Aleksandr Rainchik's profile image
Aleksandr Rainchik

I did set it to prune after 0 days and run garbage collection (several times), which I think is what is supposed to clean it up, but so far nothing happened. I still see deleted folder in HCP DM and GUI won't let me remove the NS. I don't see where you can configure how long deletion records are kept.  The only options available in Versioning are 

[x] Enable Versioning

   Prune versions older that [0] days

[x] Keep deletion records for versioned objects

Disposition service is disabled.

Aleksandr Rainchik's profile image
Aleksandr Rainchik

In the manual in "Configuring object versioning" it says

The amount of time for which HCP keeps deletion records is determined by system configuration. 


Jonathan Chinitz's profile image
Jonathan Chinitz

The manual page for the deletion records is:

   Administering HCP > HCP services > Garbage collection service > Configuring the garbage collection service

Note that "deletion records" refers to the transaction log where this information is kept, not the actual objects themselves.


1. Try to remove the folder/s using the namespace browser or curl to rule out any caching issues with HCP-DM

2. If the above does NOT return an error then run GC again and then try to delete the namespace.

3. If this doesn't help -- open a case with Support.

Aleksandr Rainchik's profile image
Aleksandr Rainchik

Jon, what I see is that I can get files deleted and purged just fine, but folders seemed to be treated differently by HCP

They are staying there (marked as deleted) and not going away after multiple GC runs.

I'm going to open Support case.