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 HCP anywhere

  • Object Storage
  • Hitachi Content Platform HCP
  • Hitachi Content Platform HCP Anywhere
Data Conversion's profile image
Data Conversion posted 05-02-2018 03:26

Hi All,

I am sorry I am really new in HCP anywhere. Is it possible to file transfer to the member in HCP anywhere using ssh sftp (through the bac-end)?

Thank you.



Rajiv Garg's profile image
Rajiv Garg

Customers can use 2 ways to access/transfer files:

1) AW link to a folder (works similar to FTP)

2) Use public APIs - will require credentials to authenticate

Sudhir BISHT's profile image
Sudhir BISHT

Hello, Is there any way to use HCP-HCPAnywhere as a FTP Server. We want to use it as a FTP-SFTP Server Repository.

Rajiv Garg's profile image
Rajiv Garg

Customers can use HCP Anywhere in 2 ways to access/transfer files:

1) AW link to a folder (works similar to FTP)

2) Use public APIs - will require credentials to authenticate

Sudhir BISHT's profile image
Sudhir BISHT

Thanks for the reply.  But, can we use HCP/HCPAnywhere as FTP/SFTP Repository.  How to make HCP Platform as a FTP Server or its replacement.  Are there any use cases, case studies available on this.  I did saw Ocean University case study where dependency on FTP was removed after introduction of HCP. But not much details on implementation available.

Thomas Massano's profile image
Thomas Massano


Rajiv mentioned Anywhere could replace FTP in one of a couple ways:

As incoming with upload and list/read access:

Incoming with upload access, but NO list/read: (Blind Drop) 

Outgoing with read/list access only:

You would install HCP Anywhere and assign a HCP Tenant to it.

You could then create folder(s) incoming, outgoing.

And create links to those folders (like above) limiting upload & read access per link.


Rajiv Garg's profile image
Rajiv Garg

Here is another suggestion:

1) Use HCP Anywhere Edge solution and let customers use Windows server for the FTP/FTPS file transfer.  HCP Anywhere Edge will protect the data in HCP.

You will need to determine if this is cost effective for the customer or not.