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 Replace base axis text with image

  • Pentaho
  • Ctools
  • Pentaho
Andy Rathbone's profile image
Andy Rathbone posted 08-06-2019 14:29


I am a little stuck with a horizontal bar chart I am creating.  I need to replace the base axis text with an image but it is not working.

function a() {

var d = this.chartDefinition; d.orientation = 'horizontal'; d.plotFrameVisible = false;d.baseAxisLabel_text = function(a){ var str = a.atoms.category.label; if(str == 'Email'){return '<img id="logo" src="" style="width:50px">'; } };}

Any help would be great.

Joana Carvalho's profile image
Joana Carvalho

First you need to add the image that you want on the baseAxisLabel, then you control its visibility by using visible attribute.

d.baseAxisLabel_add = function(event){

return new pv.Image()

.width(30).height(30) // comment for "stretch" effect .fillStyle("#def") .visible(function(event){ var str = event.atoms.category.label;console.log(str); if(str === 'Email'){ return true;} return false;}) .url(""); }

Afterwards, you need to control the text displayed on the baseAxisLabel

d.baseAxisLabel_text = function(a){

var str = a.atoms.category.label;

if(str == 'Email'){

return '';}

return str;


I hope that this helps.

