I'm trying to create a database connection between Pentaho and Astra DB (which is hosted in the cloud) and I'm relatively new to the Pentaho. At the point in time, we are evaluating the tools to be selected as an ETL tool. So, for the POC I'm using the Community version.
When creating the database connection, I have selected the Generic Database Type and Native (JDBC) as the access type. Custom connection URL I have given as below:
jdbc:cassandra://astra.datastax.com:443/my_keyspacename?consistency=QUORUM&ssl=true&truststorepath=path-to/secure-connect-test.zip&truststorepassword=<password>&authProvider=com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.auth.PlainTextAuthProvider&authToken= mytoken
I have also downloaded and placed the cassandra-jdbc-1.2.5.jar in the lib of the pentaho. but still cannot connect to the Database. As nothing happens when try to test the connection. So no failure message either. Where am I going wrong. Can you pls shed a light on this...
Ishara W