The problem is that Pentaho is unable to execute such LDAP input step if trust store path and/or trust store password are parametrized. We receive the following error wheile executing the transformation: Monkey2018/03/02 13:02:13 - LDAP Input.0 - ERROR (version, build 1 from 2017-05-10 13.39.58 by buildadm) : Error when initializing step execution! org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException:
2018/03/02 13:02:13 - LDAP Input.0 - It was not possible to initialize the Kettle trust manager
2018/03/02 13:02:13 - LDAP Input.0 - It was not possible to open key store
2018/03/02 13:02:13 - LDAP Input.0 - org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileNotFoundException: Could not read from "file:///opt/bmc/ARSystem/${LDAP_TRUST_STORE_PATH}" because it is not a file.
2018/03/02 13:02:13 - LDAP Input.0 - Could not read from "file:///opt/bmc/ARSystem/${LDAP_TRUST_STORE_PATH}" because it is not a file.
2018/03/02 13:02:13 - LDAP Input.0 -
2018/03/02 13:02:13 - LDAP Input.0 - Could not read from "file:///opt/bmc/ARSystem/${LDAP_TRUST_STORE_PATH}" because it is not a file.
2018/03/02 13:02:13 - LDAP Input.0 - ERROR (version, build 1 from 2017-05-10 13.39.58 by buildadm) : Error initializing step [Get LDAP Users] ------------------------------
Joya adam
Administrative Assistant
joya adam company.