Hi Community! its me again!
Today i was trying to run a test job in the Pentaho Server Site of my company...
The proyect consist in connect to a MySQL Server Database and do a simple insert to a Table called "Dolar_Oficial"
When i try to do it in Pentaho Data Integration Spoon GUI locally the job runs without a trouble but when i upload the job to the Pentaho Server URL i got the following error.
Here i list the log from the kettle/status page of Pentaho Server...
2024/04/25 14:02:00 - Job - Start of job execution
2024/04/25 14:02:00 - Job - Starting entry [Insert Dolar Oficial]
2024/04/25 14:02:00 - Insert Dolar Oficial - ERROR (version, build 0.0 from 2022-11-08 07.50.27 by buildguy) : An error occurred executing this job entry :
2024/04/25 14:02:00 - Insert Dolar Oficial - Error occurred while trying to connect to the database
2024/04/25 14:02:00 - Insert Dolar Oficial -
2024/04/25 14:02:00 - Insert Dolar Oficial - Connection failed. Verify all connection parameters and confirm that the appropriate driver is installed.
2024/04/25 14:02:00 - Insert Dolar Oficial - Unknown initial character set index '255' received from server. Initial client character set can be forced via the 'characterEncoding' property.
2024/04/25 14:02:00 - Job - Finished job entry [Insert Dolar Oficial] (result=[false])
2024/04/25 14:02:00 - Job - Job execution finished
I know before that i need to put the jdbc connector of mysql in my Pentaho Data Integration folder to run it but i dont know if i need to do it in my Pentaho Server so i can run it too...
If i need to do it where is the correct path to put that connector file?
Thanks in advance!
Mariano Dabove