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  • 1.  Using Protector to Restore Protector Application

    Posted 02-29-2024 06:24


    I want to use Protector to restore all my OpsCenter Application (Portal, Protector, Analyzer) to a new VM installed with Oralce Linux 9.2

    First focus only on Protector application itsef. 

    And IMPORTENT to know, I don't have an separate Protector PROXY Node ! 

    I'm using the MASTER Node also as PROXY Node, all Block Devices are configured with the MASTER as PROXY Node. 

    Okay, let's START.

    1)  Create Local Repository, links to a local folder on the Master Linux VM.

    2) Create Nodes, Policies and Dataflow for initiating OpsCenter Backups

    3) The Backup Jobs runs very well

    4) Configure another VM with Oracle Linux 9.2 

    4.1) The NEW VM gots the same HOSTNAME and same IP ADDRESS as the old one 

    4.2) Copy the Repository folder from the OLD Linux VM to the new one

    4.3) START installation Protector Software 10.9.3 (same version as old one)

    5) STOP HUB Service

    5.1) execute the command "mastersettings --import......"

    5.2) START HUB Service

    6) Open the Browser and Login 

    6.1) Check the config - 

    All  Settings are back. 

    All Block Devices are flagged as RED. 

    6.2) Edit one Hitachi Block Device. 

    After a while I got an error messges, something wrong with the metadir folder. 

    In the LOGS I see , troubles with the ISM,  MDS 

    Any idea what was going wrong ? 

    Kirsten Sven
    Systems Engineer
    SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH

  • 2.  RE: Using Protector to Restore Protector Application

    Posted 03-08-2024 10:11

    Hi Sven,

    My colleague @Karan Patani has written a blog on this, I think it will be helpful for your case. Below is the link of the blog.

    Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Software Engineer- Test
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 3.  RE: Using Protector to Restore Protector Application

    Posted 03-08-2024 12:29

    Hi Prasenjit,

    thank you very much. 

    I know this BLOG article and talked also to @Karan Patani, but the article does not cover my use case and Karan was also not able to help me. 

    As I have written :
    And IMPORTANT to know, I don't have a separate Protector PROXY Node !

    The article is based on a separate PROXY Node running on a separate Linux System. 

    But the MASTER is also possible to play the role of a Protector PROXY and in most cases
    enough to talk to 2 VSP storage systems. 


    Kirsten Sven
    Systems Engineer
    SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH

  • 4.  RE: Using Protector to Restore Protector Application

    Posted 03-09-2024 08:38

    Hello Sven

    If I remember correctly you need to run setconfig, for some reason I thought it was something like setconfig -m <masterIP>

    But I tried looking it up in the user guide here:

    I based on this I believe you need to 'setconfig' the old probes to the recovered master. Maybe try the following on the probe after master server recovery: 

    setconfig --forceprobe 

    William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 5.  RE: Using Protector to Restore Protector Application

    Posted 03-09-2024 08:43

    Update just based on what you have(master and proxy together), I believe the master server backup doesn't cover the ISM Probe file database. It could be that it's causing an issue for you. Might be that you'll need a support case to sort this out. 

    William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 6.  RE: Using Protector to Restore Protector Application

    Posted 03-12-2024 00:43

    Hello Sven,

    Based on our discussion earlier, I checked on this. Since the Protector configuration is divided into two segments, Master and ISM, the procedure supports the backup and restore for the Master node/configuration. You will need to contact GSC to restore the ISM configuration.

    Karan Patani
    Hardware Test Engineer - Senior
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 7.  RE: Using Protector to Restore Protector Application

    Posted 03-13-2024 10:13

    Okay,  I opened an official CASE and hope getting help to fix this soon. 

    Kirsten Sven
    Systems Engineer
    SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH