Yes if these are ADR volumes, ZPR would not affect it. Garbage collection would clear invalidated pages in time, if the cleared data is significant but this is not something you cant trigger for instance with ZPR. If you want to clear this quickly(lets say to delete all the data), you could for instance disable dedupe so that it rehydrates the data, clear's it and then re-enable it before adding more data, or just wait for garbage collection in time to do it's job.
ADR data is potentially shared in the entire pool. This is something Garbage collection does, to ensure that the data isn't used elsewhere. If it is, it obviously wont clear the data. If it can, it would invalidate the data, and then clear it with ADR garbage collection.
William Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen
Hitachi Vantara
Original Message:
Sent: 05-30-2022 07:18
From: Irsyad Yunanto
Subject: Zero Reclaim
Hi william, I found read this if feature dedupe and compression active or enable, so ZRP can't be running or not work?right?
Original Message:
Sent: 5/30/2022 7:00:00 AM
From: William Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen
Subject: RE: Zero Reclaim
Sorry I dont really understand this:
In capture below after i do running reclaim in status v vol management task no information usually have info like waiting or etc but this blank.can you help? Inthis storage enable feature dedup n compression is this influence zero reclaim cant running?
Are you able to kickoff the ZPR operation on the pool? Does it complete ok?
William Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen
Hitachi Vantara
Original Message:
Sent: 05-30-2022 06:11
From: Irsyad Yunanto
Subject: Zero Reclaim
Some questions:
- What kind of host mode options do you have enabled on the host groups?ans ihave ready set in each host group with mode 54, 63 &114
- What version of ESXi?6.7
- What version of SVOS and array are you using?93-05-04
- Do you perhaps have screenshot of before and after? In capture below after i do running reclaim in status v vol management task no information usually have info like waiting or etc but this blank.can you help? Inthis storage enable feature dedup n compression is this influence zero reclaim cant running?
Original Message:
Sent: 5/30/2022 5:49:00 AM
From: William Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen
Subject: RE: Zero Reclaim
Hello Irsyad
Some questions:
- What kind of host mode options do you have enabled on the host groups?
- What version of ESXi?
- What version of SVOS and array are you using?
- Do you perhaps have screenshot of before and after?
Are you for instance using Host Mode Option 114 as described here:
William Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen
Hitachi Vantara
Original Message:
Sent: 05-26-2022 22:37
From: Irsyad Yunanto
Subject: Zero Reclaim
Hi evrybody,
this day ive got problem about zero reclaim,so my environment is VM ware so the case we have delete capacity in vm but ldev in storage not decrease,and iam try in ldev do zero reclaim in status task is completed request ,but in detail ldev still sasme idle,is this impact cause in my storage enable dedup and compression?need advise
Thank You
Irsyad Yunanto