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 Is FTPES supported by Pentaho 9.3? (Explicit FTP over SSL/TLS)

Juan Sierra Pons's profile image
Juan Sierra Pons posted 05-29-2023 05:18


From FTP, FTPs, FTPes, SFTP explained

FTPES (port 21)
Explicit FTP over SSL/TLS. This starts out as plain FTP over port 21, but through special FTP commands is upgraded to TLS/SSL encryption. This upgrade usually occurs before the user credentials are sent over the connection. FTPES is a somewhat newer form of encrypted FTP (although still over a decade old), and is considered the preferred way to establish encrypted connections because it can be more firewall-friendly. None of the major web browsers support FTPES.
Example for FileZilla, for Host: ftpes//:SERVER-IP

I am trying with the Upload files to FTPS the test are successful  (test connection and test folder) but the job fails with the following error:

2023/05/29 11:02:26 - Upload files to FTPS - Starting job entry
2023/05/29 11:02:26 - Upload files to FTPS - Start of FTPS job entry
2023/05/29 11:02:26 - Upload files to FTPS - Opened connection to [FTP.SERVER.COM]
2023/05/29 11:02:26 - Upload files to FTPS - set passive ftp connection mode
2023/05/29 11:02:26 - Upload files to FTPS - Set timeout to [0]
2023/05/29 11:02:27 - Upload files to FTPS - logged in with user [USERNAME]
2023/05/29 11:02:27 - Upload files to FTPS - Working directory is [/]
2023/05/29 11:02:27 - Upload files to FTPS - Changed to directory [REMOTE_DIRECTORY]
2023/05/29 11:02:27 - Upload files to FTPS - Found [1] files in the local directory [C:\Temp\popo]
2023/05/29 11:02:28 - Upload files to FTPS - File [dummy5.txt] does exist on the remote host!
2023/05/29 11:02:28 - Upload files to FTPS - putting file [C:\Temp\popo\dummy5.txt] to remote directory [Rota]
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS - ERROR (version, build from 2022-04-12 04.56.25 by buildguy) : Error putting to FTP : 
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS - Error uploading file [C:\Temp\popo\dummy5.txt]!
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS - Connection or outbound has closed
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS - ERROR (version, build from 2022-04-12 04.56.25 by buildguy) : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException: 
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS - Error uploading file [C:\Temp\popo\dummy5.txt]!
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS - Connection or outbound has closed
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS - 
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS -     at org.pentaho.di.job.entries.ftpsget.FTPSConnection.uploadFile(
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS -     at org.pentaho.di.job.entries.ftpsput.JobEntryFTPSPUT.execute(
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS -     at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.execute(
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS -     at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.execute(
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS -     at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.execute(
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS -     at
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS - Caused by: Connection or outbound has closed
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS -     at java.base/$AppOutputStream.write(
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS -     at
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS -     at
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS -     at
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Upload files to FTPS - ERROR (version, build from 2022-04-12 04.56.25 by buildguy) : Error quiting FTP connection : null
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - DUMMY_FTPS_JOB - Finished job entry [Upload files to FTPS] (result=[false])
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - DUMMY_FTPS_JOB - Job execution finished
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - DUMMY_FTPS_JOB - EmbeddedMetastore objects have been disposed.
2023/05/29 11:02:29 - Spoon - Job has ended.

Any idea what am I missing?

Thanks for your time

Juan Sierra Pons's profile image
Juan Sierra Pons

Finally I will use an script step and use curl inside.
curl works on linux and windows and supports FTPES