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 Java version roadmap

Nathan Burentt's profile image
Nathan Burentt posted 06-25-2024 14:43

It looks like Kettle 9 and even 10 still support only Java 8 and 11. What is the timeline for supporting 17 and beyond?

Mladen Milev's profile image
Mladen Milev

Hi, @Nathan Burentt

We are doing and effort to move the system forward with the Java version.

Still this Pentaho Enterprise system has users on older Java 8 which has EOL (31 Dec 2030). As result the Pentaho 9.3 LTS supports Java 8 and Java 11 and will serve those customers.

Pentaho 10.x initiated a path forward, where current Pentaho 10.2 LTS has already updated to support of Java 11 and Java 17

We plan next Pentaho LTS release to introduce support of Java 21, where will support simultaneously Java 17, moving away from the Java 11.

This will provide a smooth path to all our customers to be able to run a safe and modern system, smoother transition from older Java 8 upto a recent Java 21.

We believe this is strategy will serve best our long term customers, and enable new customer deployment, where the fresh installations can start with modern and recent JVM version.  

Hope this information helps.
