Hi all,
Us at The National Archives are working on testing our workflows (developed under Pentaho 9.1) over Pentaho 9.3, with the aim of migrating to this version in order to gain advantage to some of the bugfixes it has.
During this testing phase we've encountered a problem with UserDefinedJavaClass, which we use in several place over our workflows. We've identified this type of step is failing to initialize by debugging the source code. The error we're seeing is happening on the class UserDefinedJavaClassMeta::newChildIstance, line 288. This is throwing a java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetExeception, which in turn contains a target object with a KettleStepException.
I am attaching a copy of the failing workflow and a screenshot of the debugger at the given moment.
We have compared the executions of this workflow on Pentaho 9.1, an all preconditions and parameters of the method are identical. On top of this, thinking this might be a JDK related problem, we've run Pentaho 9.3 over Java 8 and Java 11 (on two different implementations, bellsoft and openjdk), and in every single scenario it fails. Pentaho 9.1 is run on Java 8 and under those circumstances the workflow works all the time.
Any kind of help would be much appreciated as this this is a blocker to our migration process.
Kind Regards,