I have a Java Maven application (Java 7), and we are triggering a Pentaho job from Java code that connects to Postgres 9.x, using Pentaho-kettle version 5.0.7.
I am working on a stack upgrade from Java 7 to Java 8 and Postgres 9.x to 15.x—Seems the kettle 5.0.7 does not support Postgres 15.x and that leads me to upgrade pentaho-kettle mvn libraries
And I am looking to have a Pentaho kettle 9.x version and am unable to get the libs in the below repos,
1. https://repo.orl.eng.hitachivantara.com/ui/native/pnt-mvn/ -- > It routing me to https://repo.orl.eng.hitachivantara.com/ui/login/
2. https://repo.orl.eng.hitachivantara.com/artifactory/pnt-mvn/ -- > It routing me to https://hitachiedge1.jfrog.io/ui/login/
Where to create the login? a few years back I accessed it without login.
3. https://public.nexus.pentaho.org/content/groups/omni/ --> Site Unavailable.
Someone, please help me with how I can get pentaho-kettle 9.x mvn libs refs?
Thanks & Regards
Harikrishna E