
ashdam dourden

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Posted By ashdam dourden 10-04-2018 08:19
Found In Community: Pentaho
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This was the solucion
Posted By ashdam dourden 09-26-2018 09:01
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hello guys! Ive got a metric which has very little variations and my line chart show it as plain line. Here is the line chart Note: I know number is half hidden but thats no the topic and i know how to solve it. With same data in Excel. We want something like this. #Ctools #Pentaho
Posted By ashdam dourden 09-25-2018 07:28
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Posted By ashdam dourden 09-13-2018 06:27
Found In Community: Pentaho
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No one have or have had this problem?
Posted By ashdam dourden 09-06-2018 06:20
Found In Community: Pentaho
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I have noticed in this release CDA cache is not working properly since its not refreshed. * Our dashboards have components with 3600s cache duration. * Even after a day or more, if you refresh (F5) any dashboard, data stays on the previous day. * Mondrian cache is working ok. * Currently we have to manually ...
Posted By ashdam dourden 06-14-2018 19:00
Found In Community: Pentaho
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I still have to wait almost 5 minutes in spoon start in version 8.1. Previously i had 6.1 and dame issue. I just use file not repository and got ssd disk and 16GB ram with 4GB just for PDI
Posted By ashdam dourden 04-24-2018 19:25
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Thank you very much
Posted By ashdam dourden 04-19-2018 22:25
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Do you have release date in mind? #PentahoServer #Pentaho
Posted By ashdam dourden 02-26-2018 23:15
Found In Community: Pentaho
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I dont see the lines above bars maybe its just impossible
Posted By ashdam dourden 02-26-2018 08:07
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Id like to know if there is a way to print plot2 above plot1. In the picture it would be lines a little above bars so legibility would be improved. Excel does this very well and I love to know if CDE is capable of the same thing.. #Pentaho #Ctools