
Nikhil Shete


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Posted By Nikhil Shete 02-06-2023 13:49
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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I have reinstalled jenkins & while installation, I have put same credentials of user details with which we have installed pentaho . Still It showing same error. ------------------------------ Nikhil Shete IT Support Manager sansys ------------------------------
Posted By Nikhil Shete 01-21-2023 06:09
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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One point I have observed that , I think jenkins not able to get .kettle directory path where repositories.xml shared.xml file are there. ------------------------------ Nikhil Shete IT Support Manager sansys ------------------------------
Posted By Nikhil Shete 01-21-2023 02:36
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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When I have executed Pentaho Job/Transformation from PDI then it's working fine , Even When I executer from windows command line still it's executer . But when I have run same command from Jenkins scheduling then it thrown an error as ---  Command which I have executed : E://data-integration/Kitchen.bat ...
Posted By Nikhil Shete 12-13-2022 23:20
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Yes, I am able to connect LDAP server when i click on test connection. After that I have to select system administrator user name & role from LDAP server I am not able to see my username in LDAP tree.( but user is there).​ ------------------------------ Nikhil Shete IT Support Manager sansys ------ ...
Posted By Nikhil Shete 12-13-2022 09:15
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hello Jagdeesh,  I already have those documents, i have followed same steps but at step 5 while selecting pentaho system administrator, i am not able to find username in LDAP tree structure, if i have manually put values there like cn=,ou=,dc= then pentaho through error as "unable to find admin user ...
Posted By Nikhil Shete 12-13-2022 01:41
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hello Jagdeesh, Thank you so much for your response.  -Question: the user you have selected is it shown via the LDAP tree structure? Answer: No.  -Question: Can you select the LDAP Provider to "Custom Configuration" and modify the search base where all your users are located Answer: Actually ...
Posted By Nikhil Shete 12-08-2022 09:07
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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While configuring LDAP active directory with Pentaho BA server. We need to put server url, username & password then clicked on 'Test Server Connection' It's fine, I am able to connect LDAP server. After that while inserting - "Pentaho System Administrator" details  Select user from LDAP server:  ...