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ETL Metdata Inejction for "Stream Lookup" step

This thread has been viewed 7 times
  • 1.  ETL Metdata Inejction for "Stream Lookup" step

    Posted 07-17-2023 08:08

    Hello Everyone,

    I am new to Pentaho and using Pentaho Data Integration 9.3, I am trying to use ETL Metadata Injection for "Stream lookup" step.

    I am however facing the below error:

    2023/07/17 07:59:56 - ETL metadata injection.0 - Error inject property 'RETRIEVE_DEFAULT_TYPE' into class org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.streamlookup.StreamLookupMeta
    2023/07/17 07:59:56 - ETL metadata injection.0 - For input string: "String"

    I have tried multiple ways to provide this value, but nothing is working.

    Please help.

    Charmeet Kaur
    Product Manager