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 JOB with Transformation fails from PUC

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
Srither Kumarraj's profile image
Srither Kumarraj posted 02-06-2019 05:29

I have a JOB which contains a transformation and I uploaded both to the same directory in PUC browse files.

I am using Pentaho 8.2.

Whenever I am trying to run my JOB it fails with Transformation not found but it's pointing the directory where my transformation file is available. Could anyone help me o this?

Ravikumar Kamma's profile image
Ravikumar Kamma

I tried in Pentaho 8.2 PUC. It is running without any error.

I hope you are using this for reading your kettle.

${Internal.Entry.Current.Directory}/<your ktr name>.ktr

I tried to generate a CSV file in PUC using job/kettle, it is running without any error but I am not able to see any generated CSV in the same directory. It would be good if someone explains this.

Ravikumar Kamma's profile image
Ravikumar Kamma

I found that CSV has generated at system local directory with path C:\home\<>

The path I had given to Text file output step was "${Internal.Entry.Current.Directory}/testCSV"

Need to understand why it generated at system local directory.

Mentioning Data Integration in case someone reply.



Srither Kumarraj's profile image
Srither Kumarraj

Thanks Ravi!!! that's worked for me..