Dear Ralf,
Unfortunately there is no precise mentioning in our manuals.
Therefore I have already raised your question to our Productmanagement; and I will be awaiting an answer soon.
I will let you know and post it here.
Best Regards
Dirk Walde
Dirk Walde
Master Technical Expert
Hitachi Vantara
Original Message:
Sent: 01-19-2023 10:32
From: Ralf Siekierski
Subject: Retention Mode settings - here meant time periods
Dear colleagues,
we need one for an audit by a chartered accountant precise description of how the retention mode of the HCP works.
What is meant here are the periods of time.
Does the HCP calculate a month in 30 days, or in 31 days.
How long is a year in HCP retention 360 days, or 365 days.
Has anyone infos about these questions.
Thank you for in help and assistance in advance.
Best Regards
Ralf Siekierski
Ralf Siekierski
Storage Engineering
T-Systems International GmbH