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 How download HCP simulator

Sayan Chanda's profile image
Sayan Chanda posted 08-25-2024 12:37

Hi Guys,

I want to learn Hitachi Content Platform (HCP). Is there any simulator or community edition available for HCP?

If so, then please help me download that.

Much appreciate. Thank you.

William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen's profile image
William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen


Try it out on 

Best Regards


Sayan Chanda's profile image
Sayan Chanda

@William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen

When opening "" showing "No Labs Found". Please suggest.

William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen's profile image
William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen

Sorry I don't know. Maybe somebody else on the community site does. 

You can also check out 

Hassaan Pasha's profile image
Hassaan Pasha

There used to be OVF templates in HCP downloads for versions 8.x

It is still available I guess. for simulation you can use it

Sayan Chanda's profile image
Sayan Chanda

Hi @Hassaan Pasha,

I am not able to find the page in Hitachi Support to download the OVA. Could you please share that download page link?

Thank you.