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Hitachi Vantara’s Pentaho and MongoDB Partner to Speed Modernization and Integration of Oracle Databases to the Cloud

By Frederick Oh posted 03-05-2020 16:30


Organizations desiring to modernize applications and migrate to the cloud, are often inhibited with the ability to migrate data from legacy tabular databases to modern NoSQL data platforms like MongoDB. To help organizations speed this process, Hitachi Vantara is working with and supporting MongoDB’s announced general availability of a modernization solution that will allow customers to better move data from traditional data platforms like Oracle to MongoDB. 


This recent announcement from MongoDB includes a Migration Scorecard to evaluate the suitability of MongoDB for both new applications and application migrations. It scores MongoDB and other databases against multiple criteria in each of the following categories of application requirements:


  •  Data modeling
  •  Query requirements
  •  Performance & scalability
  •  Availability & disaster recovery
  •  Operational management
  •  Deployment model & TCO


Hitachi’s Pentaho Data Integration (PDI), a foundational component of our Lumada software suite, plays a major role in simplifying this process for customers who are looking to perform one-time migrations at scale, as well as continuous migrations including, change data capture, streaming, reconciliation, and validation procedures. We anticipate the solution will be widely utilized by partners who drive digital transformation and cloud modernization programs with customers.


The Lumada Data Services/Pentaho software has long had out of the box integration with MongoDB. This integration provides simple, GUI-based development of integrations that can easily pull from Oracle or any other relational database and provides all the necessary transformation steps required to migrate and ingest that data into a MongoDB structure.

Below are screenshots of the demo created by the MongoDB team to showcase how simple it is to migrate data from a relational source to MongoDB.

This first example shows the ease at which you can connect to multiple source tables using Pentaho’s Table Input step. The next step is to join those two tables. Then select out just those rows you are interested in using select values step. The final step is to ingest into MongoDB:


Using the drag and drop steps on the left of the PDI palette, developers can easily conform the entire source database into the proper format to be ingested directly into MongoDB:



For more details and to view a demo of the MongoDB and Pentaho integration, go to this link.


Migrate, Integrate and Blend Big Data with Existing Enterprise Data

With broad connectivity to any data type and high-performance execution, Lumada Data Services/Pentaho software simplifies and speeds the process of migrating existing databases into MongoDB, then enables further blending and analysis with new sources of data. Pentaho Data Integration’s no code, graphical designer includes: 


  • Intuitive, drag-n-drop designer to simplify the creation of analytics data pipelines.
  • Rich library of prebuilt components to access, prepare and blend data from relational sources, big data stores on premises or in the cloud, enterprise applications, and more.
  • Ability to spot check data in flight with immediate access to analytics outcomes, including charts, visualizations and reporting, from any data prep step.
  • Powerful orchestration capabilities to coordinate and combine data transformations, including notifications and alerts.
  • Integrated enterprise scheduler for coordinating workflows and debugger for testing and tuning job execution.

With Lumada Data Services/Pentaho and MongoDB together, users get greater scalability, easy to develop migrations and integrations, simplified deployments, and quicker time to value with data connectors to any data source, speeding the migration process.

For more information or to work together on an opportunity, please send an email to

And, be sure to join us at DataOps.NEXT 2020 for a joint technical session titled "Accelerate Your Workload Migration from RDBMS to MongoDB"; by Muthu Chinnasamy and Scott Dabney.

Chuck Yarbrough

ISV Solutions

March 5, 2020

1 comment



05-04-2022 13:53

Nice to know