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Install and Configure Hitachi VSP Storage with Cisco Intersight

By Sean Siegmund posted 01-10-2021 08:00


As we quickly approach the start of our Tech Preview of Hitachi Storage integration with Cisco Intersight, we want to thank our growing list of participants for their ongoing interest and support.

We also want to provide a set of resources to ensure their environments' fast and successful installation and configuration. Cisco and Hitachi are committed to supporting all our participants in the Tech Preview for Hitachi Storage and looking forward to reaching and passing this critical milestone. For any inquires or support, please reach out to the following distribution list.

There are some essential requirements to enable you to get this setup running in no time. The most crucial point is to make sure you're utilizing a storage system already on the approved list of Hitachi VSP storage system. We covered this list in my previous blog, which features our current mid-range and enterprise storage options. Working with your Hitachi and Cisco Account teams, we can provide a ramp-up presentation for all stakeholders. That presentation covers all the technical details needed in the Tech Preview environment, including firmware dependencies. The following checklist contains vital activities to follow in sequence:

  • Onboard Approved Hitachi Storage systems and Cisco Rackmount servers
    • Verify Firmware for both systems
  • Deploy Hitachi OPs Center Configuration Manager Rest Pre-package deployment
    • There are multiple installation methods. For more information, please see the following link. 
      • https://knowledge.hitachivantara.com/Documents/Management_Software/Ops_Center/API_Configuration_Manager/10.0.x/Get_started/02_Methods_for_installing_the_REST_API 
    • For specific details on the VM template need specific to connect a Hitachi Virtual Storage Platforms with Cisco Intersight, please email the following address. 
  • Open port connections to the Cisco Intersight cloud (Cisco Intersight Network connectivity Requirements)
  • Deploy Intersight Assist Appliance the following video from Chris Atkinson
  • Create a Cisco Intersight ID and set up your user
    • Claim a Cisco Device
    • For more information, please review these beneficial Cisco Intersight videos listed here.
  • Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform claimed as a device within Cisco Intersight.
​​​​​​​We provide an interactive video depicting all the steps needed to verify your environment and ensure the onboarding happens as designed, to claim the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform within Cisco Intersight.  In the video, we double-check the configuration of the Hitachi Ops Center Rest Configuration Manager, collect vital information for the onboarding of the storage, and finally, claim the Hitachi Storage device within the QA cloud of Cisco Intersight.
Our customers and partners are already enjoying Cisco Intersight with Hitachi Storage and providing pivotal feedback into our integration into Cisco Intersight via the Technical Preview. Please check out the blog from our colleagues at WWT have to say in their Blog -  How Hitachi Storage Integrates with Cisco Intersight.


We hope you enjoy it, and please do not hesitate to reach out to the team with any inquiries.

Sean Siegmund
Technical Advisor, Hitachi Vantara

Special Thanks to Arvin Jami, for his collaboration and Support in Video Creation! 

1 comment



05-02-2022 02:08
