would there be any effect on creating a v-vol at the root of a fileshare ?
We’re running a project to classify all the data on the HNAS within OSCA at the moment, and looking at the number of files. We’ve used treesize from the front end and come up with a number , and index Engines and came up with another. The trouble is there’s shares within shares, duplicates etc that are clouding it.
Now I know when we create our quota report , it includes the number of files within the existing v-vols . But not all data is held within v-vols, so I was thinking of creating a v-vol at the high level of every filesystem , with no quota and getting the number of files in total that way , but wanted to check it wouldn’t have any adverse effect for any shares/v-vols already on that filesystem . Unless you know a better way of getting the total number of files?