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 Is there a way to upload folders into HCP Anywhere without zipping them first?

  • Object Storage
  • Hitachi Content Platform HCP
  • Object Storage
Nigel Budd's profile image
Nigel Budd posted 07-19-2019 10:23

Is there any way entire folders can be uploaded into HCP Anywhere using the web portal?

I know we can zip them, but it is far more convenient for our users to upload them directly.

Rajiv Garg's profile image
Rajiv Garg

Today you can upload upto 100 files from the same directory via the web portal.  I would recommend using the desktop client (Windows or MAC) to upload folders with files and subdirectories.  

Nigel Budd's profile image
Nigel Budd

Rajiv thank you for you're reply. We have used the client, but this needs to be installed on each PC we upload files from. It would be much simpler if we could use the web portal to upload a folder or folder structure containing the files.  You say tody we can upload up to 100 files, but this doesn't include folders. Will this change in a future release?

Rajiv Garg's profile image
Rajiv Garg

Yes, this is a roadmap item.  NO defined date yet.