I have some huge performance issues in PDI 9.3 that I did not have in 8.3. Even in 9.2 I found out, that the samcde issues are there.
The flow starts with Textfile input (about 2 millions row). Then I sort it. This works quite fine in all versions.
But the Stream lookup flows are bringing the performance issue.
The first three ones are working fine, but the last two are endless .
One is doing a stream lookup of 1,6 millions to the other workflow.
A sceenshot of the flow is attached.
I tried it with
To give you an Idea of the performance difference:
PDI 8.3 about 5 Minutes (JRE 1.8.0_322 Eclipse)
PDI 9.2 about 2,5 h (JRE 1.8.0_322 Eclipse)
PDI 9.3 about 3 h (JRE 11.0.15 Eclipse)
Settings: Nr of rows in rowset: 500000
Feedback size: 100000
manage thread priorities: yes
I also gambled with these settings but it did not have the big influence... it just went slower.
Is this a knows issue or can anyone help me with that? Sorting and making a Join is also an option, but when I have to sort the flow after every joing It takes even longer...
Thanks for help.
Martin Heller
Systems Engineer
Wiener Netze