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  • 1.  OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Posted 09-19-2023 10:45

    Dear All, We have Ops Center Administrator, Analyzer, Analyzer View, Analyzer Probe Server and ConfManager.  All working fine and we get performance data and other stats fine.

    But when we use API to check we don't get the array details.  We do get those details for another array with another setup, but for this new setup we don't get that info at all. 

    What settings we can do or check in ConfManager to make it work. 

    When we check using :  https://knowledge.hitachivantara.com/Documents/Storage/VSP_5000_Series/90-06-2x/REST_API_Reference_Guide/02_Common_operations_in_the_REST_API

    http://abcdegg:23450/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages  <=  We don't get the info like "model": "VSP G900",  "serialNumber": 123456,

    Neither we get this info with :  curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -X GET

    GET https://10.X.X.1XX/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storage-summaries/instance  <=  No info.

    We do get successful connectivity though with above commands(but no array details):  

    * Connected to abcdefg (10.X.X.1XX) port 23451
    * ALPN: offers h2,http/1.1
    * SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
    * ALPN: server accepted http/1.1
    * Server certificate:
    *  subject: CN=example.com
    *  start date: Feb 19 10:20:22 2016 GMT
    *  expire date: Jul  7 10:20:22 2043 GMT
    *  issuer: CN=example.com
    > User-Agent: curl/8.2.1
    > Accept: application/json
    > Content-Type: application/json
    * Connection #0 to host abcdefg left intact

    Note: We do get info when we use :  http://10.X.X.1XX:22015/Analytics/RAIDAgent/v1/objects/AgentForRAID  or via curl also we get array info/Serial Number etc.

    So, for one of the setup we get the correct info, but for the new setup we don't get it.  How can we resolve this.  What changes can we make in ConfManager via CLI, to make it work. What checks we can do. Is it possible that the new versions don't give this info, but that seems weird.  There has to be some way to make it work.


  • 2.  RE: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Posted 09-20-2023 23:57

    Hi Sudhir,

    How did you register the array to the Configuration Manager Rest API Database which you are talking about? Is it possible to share the API response for this particular array, if array was registered successfully then it should be coming by executing the below API query.

    curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u <user_id>:<password> -X GET http://XX.XX.XX.XX:23450/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/

    In case you use https then just change the port to 23451.

    Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Software Engineer- Test
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 3.  RE: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Posted 09-21-2023 09:44

    Hi Prasenjit.

    Yes, that was the issue. It was not registered in REST API.  We registered it and the command works and show the storage.

    But, most API commands don't work, like those fetching storage-summaries, instances , ParityGroups etc and says - "This API request can be executed only for configurations linked to an SVP.",Make sure that the configuration is linked to an SVP, and then try again.", 

    These commands works for our old VSP, which has a SVP. But the new model E-1090 came with no SVP, so how to run these commands with the storage without SVP ?

    Thanks for your assistance.

    Original Message:
    Sent: 09-20-2023 23:56
    From: Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Subject: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Hi Sudhir,

    How did you register the array to the Configuration Manager Rest API Database which you are talking about? Is it possible to share the API response for this particular array, if array was registered successfully then it should be coming by executing the below API query.

    curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u <user_id>:<password> -X GET http://XX.XX.XX.XX:23450/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/

    In case you use https then just change the port to 23451.

    Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Software Engineer- Test
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 4.  RE: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Posted 09-21-2023 10:33

    Hi Sudhir,

    If I understood correctly then your prime goal is obtaining reports through API query on the E1090. In that case your E1090 storage needs to to have one SVP, it is true that E1090 does not come with an SVP but you can install a virtual SVP, I am giving you my answer against the error as you mentioned.

    "This API request can be executed only for configurations linked to an SVP.",Make sure that the configuration is linked to an SVP, and then try again.",

    Once a virtual SVP gets installed as I mentioned above then again register this E1090 storage to the CMREST in the following way:

    First create a json file with the below content, lets say the file name is Input.json and place this json file in your CMREST server, in this example we placed the json file to the / directory.

    //Content of the Input.json file

      "ctl1Ip" : "XX.XX.XX.XX",
      "ctl2Ip" : "XX.XX.XX.XX",
      "model" : "VSP E1090",
      "serialNumber" : <put_array_serial_No.>,
      "changeNotificationSetting" : {
        "isNotifiable" : false/true..................set anyone value as per your requirement
      "usesSvp" : true,
      "svpIp" : "<SVP_IP>"

    Once you placed the above Input.json file to the /directory, now you can run the below API query to register this array

    curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u <storage_user>:<storage_password> -X POST --data-binary @./Input.json http://XX.XX.XX.XX:23450/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages

    Please let me know any further questions if you have any. Thanks

    Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Software Engineer- Test
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 5.  RE: OPs Center API Configuration Manager
    Best Answer

    Posted 09-21-2023 18:38
      |   view attached

    Hello Prasenjit,  Thanks for details provided. Yes, we have understood the procedure to register storage in CMREST. However, we want to confirm that if we for sure need a SVP(Virtual SVP here). Is there now way the commands can be run without SVP. Few basic commands are running successfully. Our goal is to fetch reports thro' API queries which run from another well known vendor's tool. Also, if this is the case, then why they have given the option to register an array without SVP. As we registered with that option only. Doesn't make sense, if all APIs will not run anyway. Secondly, why array S/N(Complete Model Serial Number) is not given in the manual for E-1090 Series.(see attached) Is the manual not updated yet. Thanks 

    Original Message:
    Sent: 09-21-2023 10:33
    From: Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Subject: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Hi Sudhir,

    If I understood correctly then your prime goal is obtaining reports through API query on the E1090. In that case your E1090 storage needs to to have one SVP, it is true that E1090 does not come with an SVP but you can install a virtual SVP, I am giving you my answer against the error as you mentioned.

    "This API request can be executed only for configurations linked to an SVP.",Make sure that the configuration is linked to an SVP, and then try again.",

    Once a virtual SVP gets installed as I mentioned above then again register this E1090 storage to the CMREST in the following way:

    First create a json file with the below content, lets say the file name is Input.json and place this json file in your CMREST server, in this example we placed the json file to the / directory.

    //Content of the Input.json file

      "ctl1Ip" : "XX.XX.XX.XX",
      "ctl2Ip" : "XX.XX.XX.XX",
      "model" : "VSP E1090",
      "serialNumber" : <put_array_serial_No.>,
      "changeNotificationSetting" : {
        "isNotifiable" : false/true..................set anyone value as per your requirement
      "usesSvp" : true,
      "svpIp" : "<SVP_IP>"

    Once you placed the above Input.json file to the /directory, now you can run the below API query to register this array

    curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u <storage_user>:<storage_password> -X POST --data-binary @./Input.json http://XX.XX.XX.XX:23450/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages

    Please let me know any further questions if you have any. Thanks

    Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Software Engineer- Test
    Hitachi Vantara


  • 6.  RE: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Posted 09-21-2023 23:38

    Hi Sudhir,

    Probably you are referring to an old manual, new manual has already been updated, attached a screenshot with E1090 storage's value, also attached the entire updated user manual for your convenience.

    For any E series storage, storage must be registered with the controllers IP only because PFREST API service runs in the controllers' GUM, and you can run every essential operation without SVP, for some special case like your where storage needs to be linked with the SVP. However, below is the API query to register your E1090 storage with controller IP [Used controller1 IP]

    curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u <storage_user>:<password> -X POST -d " { \"model\" : \"VSP E1090\",\"serialNumber\" : \"XXXXXX\", \"ctl1Ip\" : \"XX.XX.XX.XX\",\"changeNotificationSetting\" : {\"isNotifiable\" : false }}"  http://<CMREST_Server_IP>:23450/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages

    Please let me know any further concern if you have. Many thanks.

    Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Software Engineer- Test
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 7.  RE: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Posted 09-22-2023 09:14

    Hi Prasenjit. Thanks again.

    We actually used the below jason to register. 

    "model": "VSP E1090",
    "serialNumber": 7XXXXX,
    "changeNotificationSetting": {
    "isNotifiable": true
    "ctl1Ip" : "10.x.x.xx",
    "ctl2Ip" : "10.x.x.xx"

    Seems similar to your '-d' option. As you said, it will runs under GUM and will run every essential operation fine without SVP. But, all our commands fails on E-Series(No SVP) and works fine with G800(With SVP).  But it SVP linkage is essential  and it is the way it is. 


    Original Message:
    Sent: 09-21-2023 23:38
    From: Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Subject: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Hi Sudhir,

    Probably you are referring to an old manual, new manual has already been updated, attached a screenshot with E1090 storage's value, also attached the entire updated user manual for your convenience.

    For any E series storage, storage must be registered with the controllers IP only because PFREST API service runs in the controllers' GUM, and you can run every essential operation without SVP, for some special case like your where storage needs to be linked with the SVP. However, below is the API query to register your E1090 storage with controller IP [Used controller1 IP]

    curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u <storage_user>:<password> -X POST -d " { \"model\" : \"VSP E1090\",\"serialNumber\" : \"XXXXXX\", \"ctl1Ip\" : \"XX.XX.XX.XX\",\"changeNotificationSetting\" : {\"isNotifiable\" : false }}"  http://<CMREST_Server_IP>:23450/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages

    Please let me know any further concern if you have. Many thanks.

    Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Software Engineer- Test
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 8.  RE: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Posted 09-22-2023 09:37

    Hi Sudhir,

    I again echo my opinion that without SVP linkage you can perform all essential operations on the E-series but if the array has any SVP [physical or Virtual] then it is recommended to have them linked. Could you please answer the below questions?

    Q1. Was array registered successfully to the CMREST server by using the above json file?

    Q2. Could you please run some basic operations like a ldev creation, ldev expansion, ldev deletion, retrieve information about an ldev and send me the error you have been receiving against the execution of these commands?

    Many thanks in advance.

    Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Software Engineer- Test
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 9.  RE: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Posted 09-22-2023 10:56

    Hi Prasenjit.

    Q1. Was array registered successfully to the CMREST server by using the above json file?  Yes

    Q2. Could you please run some basic operations like a ldev creation, ldev expansion, ldev deletion, retrieve information about an ldev and send me the error you have been receiving against the execution of these commands?

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/938000xxxxxx/storage-summaries/instance --insecure  <= Says Needs SVP linked

      "message" : "This API request can be executed only for configurations linked to an SVP.",<o:p></o:p>

      "solution" : "Make sure that the configuration is linked to an SVP, and then try again.",<o:p></o:p>

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/836000440372/storage-summaries/instance --insecure  <= Works for other G800 which has SVP

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/views/actions/refresh/invoke --insecure     <= Works

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/938000xxxxxx/storage-summaries/instance?detailInfoType=parityGroupCapacity --insecure  <=  Says Needs SVP linked

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/836000xxxxxx/storage-summaries/instance?detailInfoType=parityGroupCapacity --insecure  <= Works for G800 with SVP linked

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/938000xxxxxx/ldevs --insecure  <= Works

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/938000xxxxxx/ldevs/43 --insecure  <= Works Works/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/938000xxxxxx/host-groups/CL1-A,200 --insecure  <= Works

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/938000xxxxxx --insecure   <= Works

    Below are the commands which our other a very well known vendor monitoring tool makes API calls:

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/@{storageDevId}/ports/@{port-part}?detailInfoType=class  <=  Doesn't work -says - Precondition Failed (I assume that condition is SVP needed)

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/@{storageDevId}/ports/@{port-part}?detailInfoType=class  <= Precondition Failed

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/@{storageDevId}/ports/@{port-part}?detailInfoType=class   <= Precondition Failed

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/@{storageDevId}/channel-boards  <= Precondition Failed

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/@{storageDevId}/components/instance?componentOption=class   <= Precondition Failed

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/@{storageDevId}/drives?detailInfoType=class  <= Precondition Failed

    /ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/@{storageDevId}/components/instance?componentOption=class  <= Precondition Failed

    Now, for another part, we're exploring Soft SVP(Virtual), but it says it needs to be Windows7/Windows10 workstation, and not a windows server. Normally Data Centers allows only Windows Servers, and not Windows7/Windows10 as VM.  


    Original Message:
    Sent: 09-22-2023 09:37
    From: Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Subject: OPs Center API Configuration Manager

    Hi Sudhir,

    I again echo my opinion that without SVP linkage you can perform all essential operations on the E-series but if the array has any SVP [physical or Virtual] then it is recommended to have them linked. Could you please answer the below questions?

    Q1. Was array registered successfully to the CMREST server by using the above json file?

    Q2. Could you please run some basic operations like a ldev creation, ldev expansion, ldev deletion, retrieve information about an ldev and send me the error you have been receiving against the execution of these commands?

    Many thanks in advance.

    Prasenjit Chatterjee
    Software Engineer- Test
    Hitachi Vantara