Tested last week and this one works perfectly. I got the info straight away without any adjustment.
Thnx, Vinod for this answer.
ING Bank N.V.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-29-2024 11:43
From: Vinod Subramaniam
Subject: PathID check with CLI or REST API
Here is the actual example API call.
This will only work if you have registered raidcom device-groups and copy groups on the arrays.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Session 0dbc0ff2-78ac-4f27-bafc-b0901e1cd437' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Remote-Authorization: Session 8bf766a0-6407-4086-8545-dc821bf9831d'
Vinod Subramaniam
Technical Expert: Center of Excellence
Hitachi Vantara
Original Message:
Sent: 02-29-2024 11:13
From: Vinod Subramaniam
Subject: PathID check with CLI or REST API
GET Remote Mirror Copy PAIRs
{ "data": [ { "remoteReplicationId": "R8,51304,375,R8,51305,969", "muNumber": 2, "replicationType": "UR", "pvolLdevId": 375, "svolLdevId": 969, "fenceLevel": "ASYNC", "pvolJournalId": 10, "svolJournalId": 0, "pvolStatus": "PAIR", "consistencyGroupId": 17, "pvolStorageType": "R8", "pvolStorageSerial": "51304", "svolStorageType": "R8", "svolStorageSerial": "51305", "transitionStatus": "None", "pathGroupId": 0 }, { "remoteReplicationId": "R8,51304,378,R8,51305,765", "replicationType": "TC", "pvolLdevId": 378, "svolLdevId": 765, "fenceLevel": "DATA", "pvolStatus": "PAIR", "pvolStorageType": "R8", "pvolStorageSerial": "51304", "svolStorageType": "R8", "svolStorageSerial": "51305", "copyPace": 3, "pathGroupId": 0 }, { "remoteReplicationId": "R8,51304,400,R8,51305,567", "muNumber": 0, "replicationType": "GAD", "pvolLdevId": 400, "svolLdevId": 567, "fenceLevel": "NEVER", "quorumDiskId": 4, "pvolStatus": "PAIR", "consistencyGroupId": 11, "pvolIOMode": "L/M", "pvolStorageType": "R8", "pvolStorageSerial": "51304", "svolStorageType": "R8", "svolStorageSerial": "51305", "copyPace": 7, "pathGroupId": 0 } ]}
Vinod Subramaniam
Technical Expert: Center of Excellence
Hitachi Vantara
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2024 04:32
From: Kom Marco
Subject: PathID check with CLI or REST API
Did some extra testing and discover that Ops Center is looking to the dataflow what Pathgrp-id is set there.
By default (automatically) it will show "-" and if you manually set the pathgrp-id in your DataFlow it shows you that pathgrp-id number for the replication .
It doesn't tell you what the actual path is, like in SN.
Still searching if I can find it somewhere (outside SN)
Kom Marco
Service Administrator
ING Bank N.V.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-26-2024 07:28
From: Kom Marco
Subject: PathID check with CLI or REST API
Nice solution, will definitely use you way of retrieving info. However, the path ID is not there in the information.
See below the LDEV info (delete the empty lines) which I get for the two LDEV's.
LDEV 16384 (has pathgrp 1) and LDEV 16385 (has pathgrp 2).
See the SN info:
Marco Kom
LDEV Info:
}, {
"ldevId" : 16384,
"virtualLdevId" : 16384,
"clprId" : 0,
"emulationType" : "OPEN-V-CVS",
"byteFormatCapacity" : "2.00 G",
"blockCapacity" : 4194304,
"numOfPorts" : 1,
"ports" : [ {
"portId" : "CL1-B",
"hostGroupNumber" : 3,
"hostGroupName" : "TestGroup",
"lun" : 3
} ],
"attributes" : [ "CVS", "HDP", "GAD", "DRS" ],
"label" : "PATHGRPID-1",
"status" : "NML",
"mpBladeId" : 0,
"ssid" : "0009",
"poolId" : 1,
"numOfUsedBlock" : 0,
"isFullAllocationEnabled" : false,
"resourceGroupId" : 2,
"dataReductionStatus" : "ENABLED",
"dataReductionMode" : "compression_deduplication",
"dataReductionProcessMode" : "inline",
"isAluaEnabled" : false,
"isCompressionAccelerationEnabled" : true,
"compressionAccelerationStatus" : "ENABLED"
}, {
"ldevId" : 16385,
"virtualLdevId" : 16385,
"clprId" : 0,
"emulationType" : "OPEN-V-CVS",
"byteFormatCapacity" : "2.00 G",
"blockCapacity" : 4194304,
"numOfPorts" : 1,
"ports" : [ {
"portId" : "CL1-B",
"hostGroupNumber" : 3,
"hostGroupName" : "TestGroup",
"lun" : 4
} ],
"attributes" : [ "CVS", "HDP", "GAD", "DRS" ],
"label" : "PATHGRPID-2",
"status" : "NML",
"mpBladeId" : 1,
"ssid" : "0009",
"poolId" : 1,
"numOfUsedBlock" : 0,
"isFullAllocationEnabled" : false,
"resourceGroupId" : 2,
"dataReductionStatus" : "ENABLED",
"dataReductionMode" : "compression_deduplication",
"dataReductionProcessMode" : "inline",
"isAluaEnabled" : false,
"isCompressionAccelerationEnabled" : true,
"compressionAccelerationStatus" : "ENABLED"
}, {
Kom Marco
Service Administrator
ING Bank N.V.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-23-2024 16:24
From: Andrew J. Romero
Subject: PathID check with CLI or REST API
The attached PF-RestAPI demo writes LDEV info including LDEV path info
to a log file in the logs sub-directory where the script resides.
There is also alot of other info written to
the log; you need to scroll down a bit to get to the section with the LDEV info.
Yes, the info in the log is in JSON format; but, let us know if this
is the info you are looking for.
If so, I can show you how to reformat it into CSV.
HOW-TO INFO --------------------------------------
( do all test and dev work in a safe non-critical environment )
The notes below and the attached code may not be perfect ... do NOT cavalierly treat
them like a fully regression-tested document / product .... they are for instructional purposes only
[] Create a directory to store and test demo scripts
# note: annoying features of new Windows versions may
# make it difficult for you to create directories ( outside of your profile )
# I'll assume that you know how to deal with all of these silly msoft annoyances
[] Copy the attached zip file to the directory you created
[] extract the contents of the zip file
You should end up with this directory:
In the RestDemo directory there should be:
- several files
- a logs sub-directory
[] Run the CMD_Shell bat file
( this opens a Windows shell prompt in the current directory )
[] From the cmd shell prompt, run the script using python 3.x ( latest version )
# note: annoying features of new Fisher-Price Windows versions may
# make it difficult for you to run scripts ...
# I'll assume that you know how to deal with all of these silly msoft annoyances
I have both python 2 and python 3 on my workstation, so I use the py launcher
to specify python 3
py -3 DpLdevMgr.py
When run directly from the command line, the module's built-in test main
function is called.
I stripped all lines from the test main that modify array elements.
Only the call to a function that lists DP LDEVs remains.
Output is to a file in the logs directory.
For nice reporting you will want to use the response_py element of the
tuple returned by oDpLdevMgr.ListDpLdevs(). The data structure
referenced by response_py is in python "format" ( ie. list of dictionaries ...etc. )
and is easy to deal with.
Andrew J. Romero
Storage Administrator
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Original Message:
Sent: 02-23-2024 13:54
From: Kom Marco
Subject: PathID check with CLI or REST API
Indeed you can see it also in Ops Center, but I don't want to use a GUI to check the path an LDEV is using.
I want to separate my path groups and check if the range of LDEV-id's are using the correct replication path.
Search also in raidmanager (pairdisplay/pairvolchk/raidcom) but no info or option. Didn't look thoroughly in REST API, don't have a good overview yet with all command/parameters I can use there.
Marco Kom
Kom Marco
Service Administrator
ING Bank N.V.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-23-2024 08:56
From: William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen
Subject: PathID check with CLI or REST API
Hello Kom
Such and impressive question! I must say I've been looking into it for a while and it's a bit difficult for me to find a quick answer.
Since you're using Ops Center as per the post. I'm considering it as possible solution. Protector uses raidcom under the covers but I couldn't figure it out, but will keep looking.
However in Protector, under Storage you'll see the remote paths, when you select a specific path it will show you the replications running on that path. Example below:
William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen
Hitachi Vantara
Original Message:
Sent: 02-22-2024 10:49
From: Kom Marco
Subject: PathID check with CLI or REST API
I want to check with replication PathID an copygroup or individual ldev is using. I can see it in storage navigator but that's a GUI.
pairdisplay/pairvolchk doesn't give this info.
The PathID is given in the horcm file (or in your dataflow when you use Ops Center), I can check that but that doesn't tell me anything (you can change that afterwards)
Kom Marco
Service Administrator
ING Bank N.V.