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  • 1.  Pentaho Google Sheets Input - Can't run transformation due to plugin missing

    Posted 02-02-2024 09:44

    I installed java 11 and pentaho-server-ce- on AlmaLinux 8 and set the KETTLE_PLUGIN_BASE_FOLDERS variable to /usr/local/pentaho/server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/kettle/plugins.

    In this path, I added the pentaho-googledrive-vfs plugin (Pentaho Google Sheets Plugin APIV4). 

    But when I execute the Job that calls the transformation that uses the step of this plugin through Pentaho Server, the error occurs:

     Can't run transformation due to plugin missing

    Please could you help me urgently as I need to activate this pentaho server in production as soon as possible?

    Stevens Silva
    Chief Technology Officer

  • 2.  RE: Pentaho Google Sheets Input - Can't run transformation due to plugin missing

    Posted 02-05-2024 08:51

    Hi Stevens,

    this plugin provides only VFS provider for access to Google Drive. Which step is used in trans? Or provide full error message.

    Petr Prochazka
    Systems Engineer
    P.V.A. systems s.r.o.

  • 3.  RE: Pentaho Google Sheets Input - Can't run transformation due to plugin missing

    Posted 02-05-2024 13:12
      |   view attached

    Hello, Petr Prochazka,

    In my test, I created a job to call my transformation, which uses the plugin step.

    It's a simple test to read the Google Drive spreadsheet and log the data.

    I've attached the pentaho server logs with the error details

    Stevens Silva
    Chief Technology Officer


    zip   12 KB 1 version

  • 4.  RE: Pentaho Google Sheets Input - Can't run transformation due to plugin missing

    Posted 02-06-2024 06:27

    Hi Stevens,

    this is important error lines:
    2024-02-05 15:05:08,528 ERROR [org.pentaho.di] 2024/02/05 15:05:08 - Pentaho Google Sheets Input.0 - ERROR (version, build 0.0 from 2022-11-08 07.50.27 by buildguy) : Can't run transformation due to plugin missing
    2024-02-05 15:05:08,530 ERROR [org.pentaho.di] 2024/02/05 15:05:08 - Pentaho Google Sheets Input.0 - ERROR (version, build 0.0 from 2022-11-08 07.50.27 by buildguy) : Erro inicializando step [Pentaho Google Sheets Input]

    Server does not known step Pentaho Google Sheets Input, I did not find in PDI CE. So check your PDI and install this step plugin on server too.

    Petr Prochazka
    Systems Engineer
    P.V.A. systems s.r.o.

  • 5.  RE: Pentaho Google Sheets Input - Can't run transformation due to plugin missing

    Posted 02-06-2024 07:10

    Hi Petr,

    I had already installed this plugin in both PDI and Pentaho Server kettle on my server, but it can't be found when I run the Job on the server.

    Stevens Silva
    Chief Technology Officer

  • 6.  RE: Pentaho Google Sheets Input - Can't run transformation due to plugin missing

    Posted 02-06-2024 08:48

    As I said, this plugin does not contain this step. This contains only VFS provider for access to Google Drive.

    Check in PDI, where is step loaded. And this plugin have to be installed on server: Tools -> Show Plugin information -> select Step and find step Pentaho Google Sheets Input. This is your candidate.

    Standard installation of PDI CE does not contain this step. So you have to installed from 3rd party.

    Petr Prochazka
    Systems Engineer
    P.V.A. systems s.r.o.

  • 7.  RE: Pentaho Google Sheets Input - Can't run transformation due to plugin missing

    Posted 02-07-2024 14:35

    Thaks Petr

    Now I understand what was wrong, I needed to copy the files from the plugins/step directory of my data-integration to the pentaho server in the directory pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/kettle/plugins/step

    Stevens Silva
    Chief Technology Officer