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 Does HNAS support other SAN storages? For instance Pure?

Saxena, Abhishek Saxena's profile image
Saxena, Abhishek Saxena posted 10-19-2023 16:39

We have got some Pure block capacity which we would like to be front-ended by HNAS. Is this something that is supported?

Albert Hagopian's profile image
Albert Hagopian

No it is not. HNAS supports Hitachi storage arrays exclusively.

In bygone days (well over a decade ago, dating back to pre-Hitachi days of the product), the server supported 3rd party arrays - but they were thru OEM relationships and it wasn't just "any vendor".

Hassaan Pasha's profile image
Hassaan Pasha


The HNAS by default will not support any other array apart from Hitachi. 

However, you can virtualize Pure volumes behind any Hitachi VSP storage which you might have as you already have HNAS.

Hope this helps.