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 Encryption Details on a HCP

Ralf Siekierski's profile image
Ralf Siekierski posted 07-24-2023 06:20

Hi everyone,

we have in the near future an outstnding security-audit about our Objectstorageplatform.

Therefore imlooking for an detail description, or an whitepaper about the encryption mechanismen on the HCP's.

We have platforms with G-Nodes with flasch drives in the front, and S-Node Storages in the baackend.

For sure we know that the encryption will be activated during installation, and we know the algorythm is an AES-256.

What we are looking for is an document where all these details are in an combined overview, that can be used for an


Thank you in advance for any help.

Best reagrds from Germany

Ralf Siekierski