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 Excel output error - RowsExceededException

Impu H's profile image
Impu H posted 12-13-2023 03:19

Hello Team,

This is the error which I am getting while trying to write excel file from pentaho,

I have wrote complete error log log details below,

Thanks you,

2023/11/05 09:21:41 - Excel Output 2.0 - ERROR (version, build 0.0 from 2022-11-08 07.50.27 by buildguy) : Error writing field (0,65536) : jxl.write.biff.RowsExceededException: The maximum number of rows permitted on a worksheet been exceeded
2023/11/05 09:21:41 - Excel Output 2.0 - ERROR (version, build 0.0 from 2022-11-08 07.50.27 by buildguy) : jxl.write.biff.RowsExceededException: The maximum number of rows permitted on a worksheet been exceeded
2023/11/05 09:21:41 - Excel Output 2.0 -   at jxl.write.biff.WritableSheetImpl.getRowRecord(
2023/11/05 09:21:41 - Excel Output 2.0 -   at jxl.write.biff.WritableSheetImpl.addCell(
2023/11/05 09:21:41 - Excel Output 2.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.exceloutput.ExcelOutput.writeField(
2023/11/05 09:21:41 - Excel Output 2.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.exceloutput.ExcelOutput.writeField(
2023/11/05 09:21:41 - Excel Output 2.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.exceloutput.ExcelOutput.writeRowToFile(
2023/11/05 09:21:41 - Excel Output 2.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.exceloutput.ExcelOutput.processRow(
2023/11/05 09:21:41 - Excel Output 2.0 -   at
2023/11/05 09:21:41 - Excel Output 2.0 -   at
2023/11/05 09:21:41 - cms_log_outputfile - ERROR (version, build 0.0 from 2022-11-08 07.50.27 by buildguy) : Errors detected!
2023/11/05 09:21:42 - cms_log_outputfile - ERROR (version, build 0.0 from 2022-11-08 07.50.27 by buildguy) : Errors detected!
2023/11/05 09:21:42 - cms_log_outputfile - Transformation detected one or more steps with errors.
2023/11/05 09:21:42 - cms_log_outputfile - Transformation is killing the other steps!

Thomas Stutz's profile image
Thomas Stutz

For Microsoft Excel files, the number of rows allowed depends on the file format:

  1. XLS (Excel 97-2003):

    • Maximum Rows: 65,536 rows
  2. XLSX (Excel 2007 and later):

    • Maximum Rows: 1,048,576 rows

If you switch to the XLSX format, you should be able to handle a larger number of rows. 

Impu H's profile image
Impu H

Hi Thomas,

Actually I am trying to write file as xlsx format only

Petr Prochazka's profile image
Petr Prochazka

Exception says that is used JExcel API, not Apache POI API. Check step configuration.

Petr Prochazka's profile image
Petr Prochazka

I checked today performance for Excel output steps. And stracktrace is from MS Excel Output. This step use JXL API (XLS type). For output to XLSX use MS Excel Writer step instead.