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 Pentaho re-reading the Kerberos ticket cache file

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A Pentaho User posted 06-14-2022 11:11

I have a fairly complex Pentaho (Kettle) ETL process that is now taking longer than 10 hours to complete. It opens up connections at different points to kerberos protected databases.

The kerberos authentication is fine and works, but only until the Kerberos ticket expires at 10 hours. We have an external process that refreshes the ticket cache file before the 10 hours is up so the actual cache file contains a non-expired ticket. However, Pentaho reads the Kerberos ticket cache at the start using the parameter:

Now I am not sure what is responsible for reading the Kerberos ticket cache... is it Java itself through or is it the Oracle JDBC library through (given that is where the ticket cache location is specified)? I have tried to find API documentation for but have given up on Google and as they point me to Oracle .NET articles.

Is there a way to have Pentaho / Java re-read the ticket cache file every X hours or have the Oracle JDBC library re-read the ticket cache on every new connection?

