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 Pentaho report designer merge cells in excel

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Mo B posted 02-09-2023 23:07


I have an issue with a Pentaho report that I'm working on.

When generating the report with excel, some cells are correctly displayed and other get merged with the next cells.
For example label : "total amount this month"  doesn't show on the cell 4/B,  but merge B,C and D. So the label  is displayed in 4/BCD.

the field doesn't interfere with other used cells, it just merge the cells. 

It looks like if the field width is smaller than 25 it will use one cell, if 50 it will use 2 cells, if more than 100 width it will merge 3 cells ... BUT not always, some field have width 60 and use only one cell.

Is there a way to make the field show on only 4/B  and doesn't merge on other cells. 

Thank you