I have to add into a Pentaho report a Chart like this one:
This should be the representation of a query that returns only one row like this:
ROUND(AVG(es.i01), 2) AS risp1,
ROUND(AVG(es.i02), 2) AS risp2,
ROUND(AVG(es.i03), 2) AS risp3,
ROUND(AVG(es.i04),2) AS risp4,
ROUND(AVG(es.i05), 2) AS risp5,
ROUND(AVG(es.i07), 2) AS risp6,
ROUND(AVG(es.i08), 2) AS risp7,
ROUND(AVG(es.d06), 2) AS risp8,
ROUND(AVG(es.d07), 2) AS risp9,
ROUND(AVG(es.d08), 2) AS risp10,
ROUND(AVG(es.d09), 2) AS risp11,
ROUND(AVG(es.d01), 2) AS risp12,
ROUND(AVG(es.d03), 2) AS risp13,
ROUND(AVG(es.d04), 2) AS risp14,
ROUND(AVG(es.d05b), 2) AS risp15
FROM valuta.esami AS es
Should I use the Bar Chart or the BarXY chart?
I don't know the difference.
And how should I manage the filed category-column and series of the Chart?
Unfortunately there are not many tutorials on this topic.
Thank you very much.
Claudio B.